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My Mother's Funeral - Royal Theatre, Northampton

Don't let the title put you off. My Mother's Funeral: The Show is a dark comedy.  Of course, you can tell by the title that the subject matter is a difficult one, but trust me on this, there are elements of laughter too - just like life.

Abigail’s mum is dead but it turns out she can't afford her to be.  Did you know how expensive it is to die?  Abigail cannot even afford the cheapest option but wants the best for her mum.  Linda had no life insurance or savings and her benefits have already been stopped.  The morgue keeps calling Abigail as they cannot keep her mum indefinitely.  What can Abigail do?

Abigail is a playwright.  She has been writing a show about bugs in space, but the theatre doesn’t think it will work and wants something gritty and real.  So Abigail decides to write about what she knows.  Her mum’s death.

Her brother, Darren doesn’t agree but doesn’t have the money to help her out either.  Despite having different dads, their sibling rivalry is rife and they argue almost every time they meet.  She wants his help and support but he feels mum didn’t love him as much as she loved Abigail.

I loved this show.  Its simple set.  And everything really stripped back so you are concentrating on the acting and the story.  And the acting is sublime.  What an amazing piece of art this is.  This is the sort of play that makes me want to tread the boards again.  Its so powerful and you honestly cannot tell where the story will go.

Abigail is played by Nicole Sawyerr and she is a huge talent.  Her facial expressions are amazing and she is on stage for the duration of the show and as the lead, really carries the show.  I loved her earnestness and we really cared for her character because of this.  Samuel Armfield plays Darren, and to begin with you do wonder how they can be brother and sister.  He is common and proud of it.  Working class just like his mum.  Abigail has moved away from this in her theatre world.  Samuel is brilliant at bringing the drama and Darren doesn’t mean to put pressure on pebbles (his nickname for Abigail) but he doesn’t have the money and had no issue with his mum having a council funeral.

Linda is played by Debra Baker and is brilliant at being that kind caring mum that we just want a big hug from.  We learn about Linda and how she has 50 Rod Stewart posters, how actually she wouldn’t care what type of funeral she has, she just wants her daughter to know she loved her.  Debra also plays an actress playing the mum in the play and slips between her posh voice to the common drunk voice of the ‘play mum’ with ease.  What a talent!

The play is written by Kelly Jones and is 70 minutes long with no interval.  I enjoyed this show very much and highly recommend it  Go buy a ticket. Why? Because life is too short!

My Mother’s Funeral – The Show is at the Royal Theatre, Northampton until 5 October.

A Jasmine Storm Production 

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