Think Floyd is a world class tribute to Pink Floyd, and the sound they produce is just like listening to Pink Floyd. I can offer no higher praise and it’s the highest accolade a tribute can desire. They are accomplished musicians who give a performance of quality and authenticity. And Wow! That was my first thought when I heard them. Not only are these consummate professional musicians who deliver in abundance, but they gave us some of the best Pink Floyd songs in existence along with a laser show. There were songs from Wish You Were Here and Dark Side Of The Moon but tonight the star of the show is The Wall which celebrates its 40th anniversary and tonight we get to hear it in full. Yes, the whole double album. The interesting thing about The Wall is it is as relevant today as it always was.
Listening to Mother I found myself thinking of my own two boys (who have grown up on this album) and wondered if I am the mother in this song. ‘Mother will check out all your girlfriends for you. Mother won’t let anyone dirty get through’. It’s funny to think that as for many years I felt I was the girl in Young Lust. It’s celebrating its 40th anniversary and I have grown with the songs. The meanings now seen in a new light. And everyone knows Another Brick In The Wall. I wonder if my attitude towards authority and especially schools can be partly to blame for listing to this album. Honestly, who wants to be shaped into what the teachers want you to be – removing all your creative genius and individuality?
Before the second half they gave a warning about some out of date language that people may find offensive. I think that warning is not required as for anyone who knows The Wall story, will already know that Pink becoming racist, homophobic and violent is evidence he has gone crazy (over the rainbow - he is crazy) and the worms have ate into his brain. I sincerely hope no one was offended because if they were then they missed the whole meaning of the album as well as not knowing Pink Floyd. I mean how can you not be crazy if you want to shoot a guy with spots. It almost enforces the racism and homophobic comments to be nothing other than someone who has lost his marbles. (They must have taken my marbles away).
Timing is something that is needed for The Wall as it is interspersed with sections of soundtracks and phone calls (That’s a man answering), and the timing by Think Floyd was impeccable. The sounds and each individual song were absolutely perfect. I was genuinely impressed. You may not think that much of me stating that until I tell you that Pink Floyd’s The Wall is my most favourite album of all time, of any artist ever. I am a huge critic if this is not done well so for me to be able to say that not only did I enjoy it, but I was impressed is the highest commendation I can offer. The audience loved it and gave a rapturous applause. I found myself looking up their next dates to see if there is another near me as I would go again in a heartbeat. The band members are Lewis Hall on Bass, Richard Morse on Guitar, Steven Farmer on Drums and Kirk McLeod on Keyboards came out after the show to meet the audience which is always a really nice touch.
Think Floyd are the UK’s number one Pink Floyd tribute. They are faithful to the sounds and recreate it perfectly. Hearing them perform is as close as you will get to hearing the legends of Pink Floyd. The guitar playing is truly awesome. It will be an incredible evening and a musical encounter you will remember for a long time to come.