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Fashion at OAD

Only After Dark is a unique club in Birmingham. It specialises in offering a blend of music from the late seventies and early eighties that are based on The Blitz club and Brum’s own Rum Runner. Its now in its 10th year and to celebrate that is hosting a series of three ‘specials’ for its regulars. Fashion are the perfect band to perform at the club as they fit the genre and almost everyone who attends will have some Fashion in their collection. They are playing a live set showcasing the re-issue of the seminal album Fabrique. This was the reunion gig that fans have been waiting for. Dave De Harris is the lead singer and his performance was very emotional. He clearly feels the songs and what they mean to him. The crowd were hugely appreciative of the performance and this was shown at the end of each song with a huge cheer and vigorous clapping. He was also very complimentary of his collaborator, Zeus B Held and said to us all that after hearing No GDM (Gina X), Fashion wanted to get Zeus on board. The rest, as they say, is history.

Zeus B Held is an extraordinary performer. I honestly have not seen so many keyboards for one person before and he played them looking like he was having the time of his life. It was compelling to watch. But we weren’t just watching. We were dancing too – this is great music. Zeus B Held is the legend behind Gina X and No GDM is a classic track and also one of my personal favourites, which tonight got the extended treatment. I spoke to Zeus after the performance to ask the question that has been at the back of my mind for 35 years… and tonight I got my answer. Zeus wrote No GDM in the late seventies. He told me that The Bollock Brothers stole the bassline for their track, The Bunker. I always liked both because of the stunning bass line but No GDM was always my favourite as I love its dedication to Quentin Crisp. Knowing it is the original and getting that definitive answer from the man himself has given me a feeling that I am glad it’s still one of my favourite songs.

After the show, Dave and Zeus met with their fans taking photos and signing items. Although fans had brought their old records to be signed, new CD’s were on sale with a rare t shirt and poster especially made for the event. It was an extraordinary night and I was delighted to be a witness to this moment in history.

A Jasmine Storm Production 

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