It’s been a while, okay over a decade, since the hugely popular series of Flight Of The Conchords were around but that had not diminished their popularity. This New Zealand duo are as popular as ever and are currently touring the UK. As soon as tickets were released I bought two for my son for his Christmas present as I know how much he loved this show. He was delighted and planned his trip to the O2. But when I heard a week later that they were coming to Milton Keynes (Yes, I do live there!) – well I bought two more – I couldn’t not go as I had loved the show too. Talking my grown up son into coming with his mum was the hard part but he would have been silly to give up seeing this fantastic show and only being four rows from the front meant we couldn’t be happier with the tickets.
The support was David O’Doherty who came out in his bright green tracksuit top talking about fashion. He was very funny and in the same vein of humour as the main event so he had a very receptive audience. He told us of his telesales experience in song, and of his X-ray experience and how he got the nickname chenoballs. He was hugely enjoyable and introduced the main event, Flight Of The Conchords. Brett and Jermaine came out and picked up their instruments. They opened with a song called Father and Son about a dad and his son. It soon transpired that dad had a difference perspective to the son about his mum – and got the first huge laugh from the audience which set the theme of the evening. The small interactive chats were also just as funny. They told us about how life is on the road. How they stay in all the best hotels. The real Premier Inns. (queue another huge roar of laughter from the audience). How they get a complimentary muffin. How they can sell that muffin and make a profit as it was free (but then they realise that isn’t a good business model as every free muffin needs a hotel stay). They tell us about how they got stuck in a lift once. They were both scared and thought the lift had broken down but it transpired that they had thought each other had pressed the button when no one had. It was more a communication breakdown than a lift breakdown.
Brett and Jermaine were accompanied by the New Zealand Orchestra. One man called Nigel. (Who, by the way, can sing really well) - They covered a range of styles of songs and a huge range of subject matters. I challenge you to go anywhere else and hear a song about a Seagull! And when they said that Texas had no idea what a seaside was it was funny (despite MK being very inland). They even gave tribute to our national instrument – the recorder. I loved how they made their show relevant to the UK audience. The whole show is a delight – a laugh you cannot hide. It is a very hard job but I can narrow the highlights down to two songs. Inner City Pressure – which is a tribute to the Pet Shop Boys – but why it was a highlight - they sung ‘Milton Keynes City’. Finally, international recognition that MK is a city and not a town. I was personally delighted at this and whooped and cheered. Of course the song I hoped all night they would play is Bowie’s in Space. It’s now sadly true as David Bowie has departed our world – but Brett and Jermaine sing it with such affection that it’s the only mickey take I would allow for Bowie (being a huge die-hard fan). Actually, I just thought of another highlight – How to woo a lady is their best work to date. The words are brilliant and clever and well thought out. These are the new ‘Two Ronnies’ in my opinion. And I just love them.
There really was something for everyone, Too Many Mutha Uckas, Foux Du Fafa, On The Road and Albie the Racist Dragon. The encore included a song about Shady Rachel stealing spoons and some poor roadie had to run around and find some spoons for David (who came back out) to play. He then threw them into the audience. Its very rock n roll. Robots (Humans are dead) was also included in the encore. When a member in the audience asked where Murray was, they came back with ‘He’s fictional’. It’s just a brilliant dry wit that makes these two so funny. Brett and Jermaine tell us about band rules and how being on tour is a cruel mistress – a dirty bitch in fact – and the road is long. Well tonight it’s more of a footpath as they were back in MK Theatre again on Thursday. The improv is fantastic. They tell us that we are a great audience, but they also tell us they say that every night. Band rules dictate they shouldn’t disclose that but hey – they are rebels. Jermaine is mad dog after all.
If you don’t see them on their UK tour – then you are a fool as this is the best comedy you will see this year and possibly ever!